The Sun

This universe is not going to last forever, one day everything will end, but first of all man may have discovered the sun in this world and then the moon. One day he would have come to know that this is the truth and perhaps with time he considered him as his God, but with  passing time man moved towards innovation and new inventions and discoveries, but no man with passing time. He walked as far as his consciousness would go, he walked and stopped, and someone moved forward with the time.

The Sun Possibility

It continued to grow and adapt to the color of the world, due to which there are people of different faiths and religions in the world today. But some people also have the religion of science, they are only followers of it, and these people are changing with the changing world, but they Along with some people, there are also those who consider the sun as God and the Amen of their today and tomorrow. Today we will talk about what are the colors of their culture and traditions and how are they, but we will not leave the side of science and will continue to take its help.

French philosopher Emma Carinini is the author of The Sun: Myths, History and Societies. She says that the story of Prometheus illustrates the difficulty of harnessing sunlight and the human obsession with capturing it. It is debatable whether the sun still plays the same role in our daily lives as it once did, but it is certain that its effects can be beneficial as well as harmful. . Its swiftness and light keep us alive but only in its sunshine If left too much, it can also create problems for us. The sun plays a role in climate change but does not cause it. Today, science has come incredibly close to the sun without even touching it. NASA's 'Parker' spacecraft has been able to observe the Sun's complex behavior in great detail with the help of a European mission and a powerful telescope. But to know about the Sun is not only its radiation, magnetic force, ions and photons but also many giant stories related to it.

 The Sun has played a role in shaping many civilizations, social changes, empires and religions, philosophies and human thought. Humans' most important connection with the sun occurred in the Neolithic period, about 12,000 years ago, during the Agricultural Revolution, when the sun became important to their crops. Philosopher Emma Carinini says that before this revolution most religions were based on local deities, such as mountains or animals of the region, but later the sun took on a dominant role. He spoke that World Service program 'The Forum'"The sun then became a god because it was the primary, universal and abundant source of life." It was something that everyone knew about and could pray to for good weather and abundant crops. And when it would provide them with light, they would also pay homage to it.' 

Humans' most significant connection with the sun occurred during the Neolithic Age, about 12,000 years ago, during the Agricultural Revolution. Many ancient cultures built structures where the sun would set in their center on the longest day of the year passes through Ch. One of the most famous of these structures is England's 'Stonehenge', although even more ancient is Ireland's 'New grange', which is more than five thousand years old and marks the longest night of the year. Sun worship has been practiced in ancient times from Asia to the Egyptian civilization, from the Mayan and Aztec civilizations in Central America to the Inca people in South America. 

Emma Carinini says that 'so the sun became a very important sign for heads of state and elites to maintain their power.' She would say It is said that elites and rulers used to establish unity among the masses and justify their power through worshiping the sun. For example, Pharaoh Akhenaten established the first religion based on the concept of unity. They declared a local god 'Atan' as supreme. It was the best way for him to reflect his authority as king. The constant and overwhelming presence of the sun in the sky, as well as its obvious power to generate heat and sunshine, has led to many attempts throughout history to capture, control, and harness its power.Efforts are mentioned. Mirrors were first used.

 Experts say that the ancient Egyptians managed to provide light inside the Egyptian pyramids by reflecting sunlight through polished surfaces. It is also said that the Greek physicist, engineer, astronomer and inventor Archimedes burned Roman ships by concentrating sunlight through mirrors during the siege of Syracuse in 213 BC. Mathematician who invented a system for lighting ships by concentrating sunlight It is called Archimedes Years later, Leonardo da Vinci envisioned heating the water of an entire city through mirrors spanning several square kilometers. At that time, they did not have the technology required for this visionary project, but this is where the idea of ​​solar panels, now a common alternative source of energy, came from. 

The scientific revolution began with the controversial ideas of the Polish mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, which were confirmed hundreds of years later by the Italian astronomer Galileo through observations through his telescope, namely that the Earth  and other planets revolve around the Sun, not the Sun around the Earth. Heliocentric theory changed the way we think about the Sun and our relationship to it. This is where our scientific study of the Sun began, which has continued for many years to come. In the year 1859, astronomers all over the world were amazed to see spots appearing on the surface of the Sun. Among them was an Englishman, Richard Carrington, who was interested in astronomy. He was looking through a telescope in London on September 1st of that year.Scarred with light. 

They observed a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), which is a spewing of magnetic plasma from the Sun's upper atmosphere called the corona. This event may have happened for five minutes but in less than 24 hours it traveled 150 million kilometers and reached our earth. One day after this observation, the Earth was suddenly hit by a magnetic storm that affected the telegraph systems and the aurorae, normally only visible from the North and South Poles, appeared abnormally., began to appear from Cuba, Santiago and Chile. Carrington connected the dots and hypothesized for the first time in history that such solar waves and Earth's magnetic fluctuations are linked. Since then this solar storm has been called the 'Carrington Event'. 

In 1859 the Carrington Event was the most intense event ever recorded Claire after, director of education and communications at the Colorado National Solar Observatory in the US, says that the Sun's magnetic field is actually what drives all the solar radiation around us.It is the basis of movement. In addition to a large magnetic field extending from one end of the Sun to the other, several smaller solar magnetic fields have been identified to which the charged ions in the solar plasma are drawn. Claire after says that the central part of the Sun rotates more rapidly, causing the magnetic field here to start wrapping around itself like a thread. 

This magnetic field collects and forms a taut lump that collects energy called the solar flare.It is called When these solar flares are released as the solar wind, a series of events occurs that occur once every 11 years and are called solar storms. According to Claire after this could have a dramatic impact on Earth. "This can create electric currents that can affect power grids and transformers that generate electricity, disrupt GPS signals and affect ships with radiation."

 As our lives become more dependent on technology, it becomes more and more important Is.' In 2017, when hurricanes wreaked havoc in the Caribbean, particularly in Puerto Rico, there were large numbers of solar flares that disrupted radio signals and hampered relief efforts. It is recognized worldwide that climate change is the major cause of extreme weather. And to find a solution to this challenge, some people are now looking to the sun.

 Philip Judge is Principal Scientist at the High Altitude Observatory in Colorado, who told the  about this untouchable.talked about the idea of ​​creating a barrier to block sunlight in space. "It will be like creating a cloud in space, after which the sunlight will not be able to reach the earth." They say that it is possible to do this but it is not the solution to the problem. "We have to keep space clean so that the universe can be seen and understood." Simple measures can be taken to keep the ground cool, such as painting the roofs white. 

Claire after agrees. He says that this is important to understand That the sun is not the cause of climate change. It would be very dangerous to block the path of sunlight. In trying to solve one problem, we may create many more problems that can be more dangerous. However, he says that this is an important time for information about the sun. NASA's Parker Solar Probe, which is about 90 percent of the way to the Sun, has almost touched the Sun as it passes through complex magnetic fields. Meanwhile, with the help of the telescope in Hawaii, the surface of the sun was measured times larger images have been obtained.

 "We are living in the environment of a massive star and understanding that can be very useful for us," says Claire after. The question of who we are and where we belong, the selfless sun affects us all the same. "We see the sun only as a star, or from a scientific point of view as a natural object, but it also has a social aspect," says Emma Carinini. He wrote Yambolo's 'Islands of the Sun' and Tommaso Campanile's 'The City of there ferred to Sun, in which the sun is associated with the state of happiness. The sun is also considered a symbol of equality because it is free, available to all, and has the good of all. The sunlight we receive does not harm our neighbor. It is a source of energy for all.


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